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Summer Camp Lignano Sabbiadoro 2025

August 8 - August 18

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The first week of camp will start on Friday 8th August and end on Wednesday 13th August, while the second week will start on Wednesday 13th August and end on Monday 18th August.

Here is the provisional schedule:

Week 1
Friday 8th 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Saturday 9th 1 allenamento alla mattina e 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Sunday 10th 1 allenamento alla mattina e 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Monday 11th 1 allenamento alla mattina e 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Tuesday 12th 1 allenamento alla mattina e 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Wednesday 13th 1 allenamento alla mattina

Week 2
Wednesday 13th 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Thursday 14th 1 allenamento alla mattina e 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Friday 15th 1 allenamento alla mattina e 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Saturday 16th 1 allenamento alla mattina e 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Sunday 17th 1 allenamento alla mattina e 1 allenamento al pomeriggio
Monday 18th 1 allenamento alla mattina

For those who sign up with the FULL Formula, check-in at the hotel will be guaranteed starting from 2.00 pm (with lunch not included) while checkout will be the last day will be in the morning after breakfast.

The detailed program with starting times will be available within one month of the start of the camp.

The camp is open to boys and girls born between 2013 and 2002.

Participants will be split in groups by age.

Age exceptions might be considered by the organization.

All the camps of the summer of 2025 will be valid as tryouts for the selections to the next IBA teams that will participate in the EYBL - European Youth Basketball League - in the 2025/2026 season.
The EYBL is a historic and important championship that takes place in various countries on the European continent, offering children the opportunity to play on an international stage.

It's also an opportunity to travel, learn about new cultures and make new friends while doing what they love most: playing basketball.

Obviously, participation is optional and only the candidature of interested athletes will be taken into consideration.

In addition to training focused on technique, during the camp the kids will be able to challenge each other in 3vs3, 4vs4 and 5vs5 situations.
So thats means real game situations.

One of the peculiarities of the Lignano Sabbiadoro camp is certainly the group workout on the sand that the kids will have the opportunity to do during the camp.

Beach Workouts are usually done in the morning and are very useful especially in the pre-season phase.

Packages Days Workouts Hotel and meals Price
CITY CAMP 5 days 10 workouts No 395,00 - now on sale 350€
FULL CAMP  5 days  10 workouts Yes 695,00 - now on sale 650€
10 DAYS CITY CAMP  10 days 20 workouts No 750,00 - now on sale 690€
10 DAYS FULL CAMP  10 days 20 workouts Yes 1395,00 - now on sale 1290€

Promotional cost until March 20th:
1 week: €350 for the city package / €650 for the full package
2 weeks: €690 for the city package / €1290 for the full package

Only 10 spots available in promotion per packages.

Here are the registration methods available for the camp:

1) Compila  il form di registrazione online presente in fondo a questa pagina oppure compila il modulo manualmente e invialo a info@ibaitaly.it DOWNLOAD MODULO E REGOLAMENTO ITALIANO

2) Effettua il pagamento online sullo shop https://www.internationalbasketballacademy.it/shop/ o in alternativa tramite bonifico bancario alle seguenti coordinate:

Bank account name: International Basketball Academy Società Sportiva Dilettantistica IBAN (bank account number): IT07Q0863764440000023059026

Reference: Name and surname of the participant, event and group chosen

Esempio: Daniele Rossi / Summer Camp Torino / Full Camp/23-27 Giugno

N.B. Last installment by deposit must be paid within 40 days of the start of the camp.

In all cases, in order to finalize the registration and participate in the event, it is mandatory to send the following documents via email to info@ibaitaly.it .

- Proof of payment (bank transfer, paypal receipt / credit card)
Filled registration form + Signed internal code (only if registered via bank transfer or if registration was not done online):


- Sport medical certificate (to be sent at a later time, but necessarily before the start of the camp). If your country doesen't expect this kind of certification you will dont need to send it to us


Lignano Sabbiadoro has excellent sports facilities, starting with the structure that will host the camp: the Sports Hall inside the "Bella Italia" sports village which can accommodate up to 2000 spectators in the stands, a true jewel of sports facilities.

Bella Italia Efa Village is not just a holiday village in Lignano Sabbiadorowe have everything you need for an extraordinary holiday of sea, sport, friendship and fun. We are built for families, groups, sports clubs,  and we are the suitable locationfor the organization of sporting events .

We are located on the beautiful beach beach of Lignano Sabbiadoro and among our services you will find a large water park, an Olympic swimming poolsports hall and excellent outdoor sports facilities,as well as_the always engaging entertainment of our staff !
We are available for sports events, tournaments and much more.

The rooms available to participants are twins rooms, triple, 4 and 5 bedrooms.
It is possible to request to stay with a friend as roommate during the registration process in the form below ( "other requests or communications" section)

Indirizzo: Viale Centrale, 29 Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD)



Incluso nel prezzo è previsto l'accesso alla spiaggia della struttura EFA Bella Italia, alla piscina e all'aquafun del villaggio. 

Per avere maggiori informazioni sul villaggio visitare il sito: https://www.bellaitaliavillage.com

Lignano sorge su una penisola che si affaccia sul tranquillo Mare Adriatico tra le foci del fiume Tagliamento e la Laguna di Marano è il luogo ideale per il riposo di tutta la famiglia.

Lignano offre al turista un concentrato di servizi, attrattive e accoglienza mantenendo uno stretto contatto con la natura grazie alla sua recente storia di stazione balneare: un lungo arenile di sabbia finissima, 6 parchi divertimento per tutte le età, impianti sportivi di recente costruzione, zone pedonali per lo shopping, alberghi, villaggi e appartamenti per tutte le esigenze.
Non mancano i pub, le enoteche e le discoteche che si affacciano sul mare, i corsi di acquagym, il centro termale e il servizio di intrattenimento per bambini; e ancora, l´arena Alpe Adria per i concerti estivi, un Golf Club da 18 buche, piste ciclabili, maneggi, campi da tennis e oltre 5.000 posti barca in 8 darsene moderne ed attrezzate.

Tutto questo racchiuso in pochi chilometri liberi dal traffico e immersi nel verde. Da quasi 20 anni può fregiarsi della “Bandiera Blu d´Europa”, simbolo della pulizia delle spiagge e del mare. Lignano sono in realtà tre favolose città pensate per la vacanza.




PalaSport – Lignano Sabbiadoro
Viale Europa 142
Lignano Sabbiadoro, UD 33054 Italy
+ Google Map